Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Top Ten Tuesday-A Day Late

Since I have been sick the past few days, I didn’t get to do Top Ten Tuesday yesterday. So, I will do it today. I know it’s not politically correct, put I make my blog rules.

By the way, I am starting to feel better. No more fever for now, which is good. I had forgotten how weird fever makes you feel. I have an appointment to with an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist to discuss my constant ear problems and the hearing loss associated with the numerous ear infections. Hopefully there will be some sort of relief in that area.

Since I was home yesterday sick, I was able to catch up on some old shows and check out some new ones. That is why this week I present:

Top Ten Shows to Watch When Home Sick

10. 18 Kids and Counting on TLC – I think its 19 kids now, but I lose count. The amazing part of this show is the fact that this family lives debt free. It’s interesting to watch all the family interactions and to see how they operate. Interesting…

9. Parking Wars on A&E – This show documents the lives of Parking Enforcement Officers in cities like Pittsburg. It’s amazing to watch how upset some people get over a parking ticket.

8. Top Chef on Bravo- The only problem with this, is when you are sick to your stomach watching food may not be the best thing.

7. E! True Hollywood Story on E! – Doesn’t matter the celebrity they are covering, this show sucks you in and makes you their biggest fan. Courtney Cox-Arquette is now one of my favorite celebrities!

6.CSI: Miami on A&E – If David Caruso doesn’t make you feel a little better, than who will?

5. Food Network Challenge on The Food Network – I love, love this show. I love the competition and seeing the amazing things the chefs do with food. My favorite ones are the cake challenges.

4. My Fair Wedding with David Tutera on WE – This man is amazing! He helps out couples at the last minute transform their wedding plans into magical, celebrity scale weddings. He is my hero!

3. Sex and the City on TBS – Nothing like good ol’ reruns with Carrie and the girls to make you feel better on the inside, and in turn makes you feel better on the outside. Or at least you hope it works that way.

2. Real Housewives of Atlanta, Orange County or New Jersey on Bravo – Nothing like some wig pulling action to entertain you while you’re in the dumps.

1. The Back of Eyelids on YOU - The best thing to do is turn the TV off, climb into bed and get some rest! All these shows will be on again, and again so don’t stress! Better yet, do like I do and set the DVR.

Now a majority of these shows do require cable, but you can also buy some on itunes or view on their website.


  1. You left out made for TV movies on The Lifetime Movie Network starring Tori Spelling or Tiffani Amber Theissian. Well let's hope....(puts on dark glasses and looks at nothing off to the side ) you get better soon.

    (That was my impression of Lt. Caine of CSI Miami)

  2. Love it Tara! You are so good at doing David!
