Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Top Ten Tuesday Postponed

Hello readers. Usually I would be posting a top ten list for my weekly edition of Top Ten Tuesday but today I will be unable to do so. My mom called this morning to tell me my sister Jaclyn was in the hospital. I had mentioned her pregnacy in an earlier post and how excited I am to meet Adrianne. Well as I type this, Jaclyn is being transported by ambulance to a hospital in a city near by to the Air Force base where she is stationed. Turns out she has developed preclampsia and they will be delievering Adrianne sooner than expected. Adrianne is currently 32 weeks old and weighs approximately 3 pounds. So, today I am asking for prayers for Jaclyn and Adrianne during this time, as well as, my family as we all hope for the best. I am trying to arrange to be there Friday through Sunday  and the anxiety is overwhelming.

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