Friday, October 9, 2009

Mission NOT Impossible - Your Assistance Needed!

Everyone knows I have a soft spot for dogs. I have three of my own and often refer to them as my children. Well today that got the best of me and I am now on a mission to reunite the dog below with her family.


I had to run an errand on my lunch break that required me to drive almost to Dequincy, a small town about 25 minutes north of Sulphur. It obviously had just finished raining because the roads were damp. I started to notice all the cars in front of me coming to a sudden stop or slowing down dramatically. Well, turns out there was a Beagle mix (or a older Beagle) in the middle of busy Highway 27. She was soaking wet and just standing in the middle of the highway. Well my soft spot started to ache, and I knew I had to pull over and help her, or at least check to see if she had tags so I could call her owner. I pulled over and called for her and she came straight to me with her tail wagging. She was wearing a collar but no tags. I pondered for a second on what I should do and decided I couldn’t leave her there (there weren’t any houses in the immediate vicinity) because she would probably meet Jesus sooner than later if I did. I opened my back seat and she jumped in. She rode with me to finish my errand and on the way back I stopped by the one house closest to the spot I had found her. The man had never seen her before. So, I stopped by my house to change clothes, she had gotten me all wet, and I put her in Doc’s kennel on my way back to work. She is very sweet and seems to be good health, obviously a pet to someone. Honestly, if it were Doc, Izie or Lola, I would want someone to do the same.

Now I am on a mission! I need to reunite this dog with her family because they have to be missing each other! Some would call it Mission Impossible, but I can’t give up hope. If you have any ideas, information or leads as to whom she belongs to, please let me know!!!!

With this being said, if you have a precious pet of your own, please take the time to either make sure they are wearing identification tags or equipped with a microchip. You never know what could happen and it would sure save soft-hearted people like me some trouble when we are trying to bring them home to you!

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